Tuesday, February 4, 2014

¡Spotted!: Flarred Jeans

Hello lovess, Ana here!
Soo lately, I have noticed that Flarred jeans are finally making a comeback! I don't know about you guys, but personally I'm very excited about this!

Flarred jeans, like the ones above can add a touch of girlyness to any outfit... Or if your like me, you can always pair them with a zip-up jacket and flip flops for a more laid back look!
This pant style is also perfect for sporty girls, since they just accentuate curves and make your body look amazing!
Overall, flarred jeans are just some of the things I've been noticing a lot over the past couple of weeks. Even if they're not your style, who knows maybe you'll gain a new appreciation for this style?
Until Next Time!

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