Saturday, November 30, 2013


     Hey! Kadasia here and I wanted share with you my first experience of eating a pomegranate!

     Now many of you guys may have the reaction of "Wow? You've really never had a pomegranate?" I would have to say "Nope..." and sadly walk away haha. Now I can say that I've drank POM juice and I LOVEEEEE it ! This is why I had to get the actual fruit. Also pomegranates are a good for you! Duh(:

     So since it was my first time eating a pomegranate I was really unsure on how to "open" it. I didn't know if I should peel it or cut it! But luckily Pinksofoxy on youtube showed me the most simplest and effective way to happily enjoy my fruit. (Its personal preference to spit out the seeds, I did. But its a pain next time I will try not too haha)

Here's my beauty

It was very very delicious by the way! I have to go and buy more, I've never actually seen them in my Walmart so now I have to stock up!

If you have any questions, comments, or advice dont hesitate to write your heart out in the comments below(:

Thanks for reading, catch you later!

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